Empress Orchid: Book Review

AUTHOR: Anchee Min


GENRE: Historical Fiction · Asian Literature · Romance  


Rating: 3 out of 5.

Empress Orchid is the story of a poverty-stricken girl who competes to be one of the emperor’s concubines to save herself and her family. When she is chosen to be the fourth out of the seven wives of the emperor, her life – as she knows it, changes completely.

Inside the Forbidden City, she finds herself amidst the politically and erotically charged walls where she has to survive and compete with thousands of other concubines for emperor’s fleeting attention.

This book hooked me up instantly. It offered an interesting and intriguing insight into a different time period and culture. The author paints quite a clear picture with her detailed descriptions of the palace and the Forbidden City itself.

Empress Orchid is craftily written with easy language and style which increases its readability many folds. The characters (especially Orchid) are well fleshed out and they don’t fall flat.

However, post mid-point the plot shifts gear and takes slightly different turn, but not for the better. After this point, the book starts stretching a bit.

Orchid’s story becomes less about her and more about China’s wars, making it sound almost like a boring history lesson.

As the plot starts losing its quintessential political intrigue, the character – Orchid, also ends up losing some of its charm.

I would give this book three stars out of five as I did enjoy reading this book.

This would a fit for you if you enjoy reading political intrigue, royal drama, winning underdog story, different cultures and historical time periods.

DISCLAIMER: This review is my honest opinion. I DO NOT claim to have any authority/intention to add/delete any value of the book or of the author. I wish nothing but success to the author.

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