Twenty Words Tuesday – Week 9

TWT’s 8th-Week prompt was -Knight, thank you for reading. If you haven’t had a chance to read the 20-word stories of previous week, click here.

There were five entries last week and all of them were beautifully crafted. I am sharing my favorite one below. Hope you’ll enjoy. Thank You, everyone, for participating.

Haunted by his past deeds, the knight faced the dragon within, realizing true bravery lay, in conquering his inner demons.

by Ramya Tantry

Below is this week’s 20-word story, I hope you’ll like it. Come, join the wagon and tell me a tale!


The clock was old as time, but chimed only when it rained on the east hill, marking hour of death.

Come, join in! All you need to do is:

  • Write an exactly 20-word story using the prompt. The idea is to whip up a story instantaneously.
  • Pingback your story to this post, so that everyone can read your take.
  • Use the banner given above and the tag- TWT on your post, to help locate the story in WP reader.
  • Bookish Bubble will mention its favorite story of the lot in the subsequent week’s issue.
  • Also, feel free to leave a random word in the comments for the next week’s prompt.

Sounds easy enough, right?

Remember to write before the next prompt which drops in next Tuesday!

Don’t worry! Even if you are late in discovering us, comment yours below and I would love to read your tale.

Until next time, Cheers


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3 responses to “Twenty Words Tuesday – Week 9”

Penny for your thoughts?

I’m Akanksha Roy

Welcome to Bookish Bubble, my cozy corner on the web, dedicated to everything fiction. Here, I invite you to join me on a journey of creativity, and all things written with a touch of love. Let’s get reading!

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